Academy of Ideas
Academy of Ideas
#BattleFest2019: A waste of a good crisis? A decade after the crash, with Larry Elliott

#BattleFest2019: A waste of a good crisis? A decade after the crash, with Larry Elliott

Debate recorded at the Battle of Ideas festival on Saturday 2 November 2019.

Critics argue that relatively little has been done since the financial crisis to fix the underlying problems that precipitated it. Have we failed to take the old advice to ‘never waste a good crisis’? Extraordinary monetary measures are still mostly in place, but there are heated debates about whether the major developed economies are healthier or weaker than in 2008. Acclaimed Guardian economics editor Larry Elliott explores what can be done to pull the west out of its economic malaise. How can we challenge the ‘new normal’ of low growth, poor productivity and stagnating living standards?

PHIL MULLAN economist and business manager; author, Creative Destruction: how to start an economic renaissance


LARRY ELLIOTT economics editor, Guardian; co-author, Europe Isn’t Working and The Gods That Failed: how the financial elite have gambled away our futures

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