Great conversation! Thanks! Please keep doing these! And nice to see you both at the Battle (my first one) last weekend!

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'The Liz Truss resignation has not solved the problems of politics, it has merely illustrated them'

Claire Fox

-A perceptive observation!

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What is needed is constitutional reform to dissipate political power: a directly elected cabinet and total and irreversible separation of the powers would be a very good start (i.e., nobody who ever serves in the executive may serve in or even be in the same or an associated political party with anyone who serves in the legislature). The more different things for which the state is responsible, the less that it is accountable for any of them; and the more concentrated that power is, the more prone that it is to abuse.

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Brilliant analysis - the main political parties are not fit for purpose anymore, as they’re still not aligned to the will of the population which has turned against Globalism… since Brexit in 2016 yes, but it will harden even further after this winter by rejecting the high costs of #NetZero. Covid policy irrationality also revealed the weaponisation of “TheSyence” by the powerful Globalists, and it won’t take long for the public to realise that Climate Alarmism is much the same… fear manipulation to push a CarbonTax and Carbon-credit based control system even more powerful than the privately owned central bank system

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