The whole conversation has to change & many questions raised about cultural compatibility. While we’re about it should we also be looking at how Only one prosecution for FGM has been successful only one & how we have no idea as to how many girls have been victims of honour killings.

Grooming Gangs are a thin edge of a large wedge of Muslim Supremacy & an authoritarian belief system that’s becoming ever emboldened & disrespectful of our pluralistic values. Their imported antisemitism is being given free rein to impose fear into the Jewish community. Grooming gangs, misogyny, child abuse & sexual slavery are an integral & inseparable part of Sharia Law & culturally incompatible with our values & principles. We have a duty to protect ALL children & to excuse child abuse because of some misguided view that all cultures are equal is inexcusable because they aren’t. Our forefathers & mothers need to have their legacy respected not desecrated or erased.

May 2020 Anne Marie Waters interviews about FGM. When did caring about the rights of women become deemed to be Far Right but are they? Fascinating, Informative & essential interviews that explain the history of FGM & very briefly mentions other forms of female repression. UK is the worst offender in Europe for allowing FGM to be practiced & known as the FGM centre of Europe. My question is, will the Blasphemy Laws support rather than outlaw FGM :

21.05.20 FGM Interview Part 1 : https://youtu.be/seiVmIQfcIY?feature=shared

28.05.20 FGM Interview Part 2 Explains link to purity & why Coptic’s in Egypt practise FGM to avoid persecution : https://youtu.be/O-dV-1zMhQ0?feature=shared

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Another thought, straight out of psychotherapy this one, and this concerns burying unresolved issues. It's well known therapeutic circles that if you do this they don't go away. Quite the contrary they remain buried and continue to cause increasing amounts of trouble as time goes on. The symptoms increase and require increasing amounts of effort to suppress them. The aim of therapy is to uncover these and resolve them and it requires courage and honesty to embrace them.

Britain is indeed very sick indeed.

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When Ann Cryer tried to bring abusers in her Yorkshire seat to justice, she was shunned by police, social services and imams. More information: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2014/aug/30/rotherham-girls-could-have-been-spared-ann-cryer

Sarah Champion: Labour's 'floppy left' falls silent when issues touch on race. More information https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2017/sep/02/sarah-champion-labours-floppy-left-falls-silent-when-issues-touch-on-race

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A superb piece of investigative journalism by GBNews that you won't find either the BBC or the Guardian doing


Why has it taken Elon Musk to force the issue?

We need a hashtag #justice4thevictimsofGroomingGangs

Watch Winston Marshall interview Charlie Peters on the Spectator Channel


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